JUYPAL HOGAR S.L.‘s Quality and Hygiene Policy is aimed at satisfying the needs and expectations of the customers and the organization, as well as complying with the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to the product and the facilities such as sanitary hygiene that are applicable.
JUYPAL HOGAR, S.L. maintains an integrated Quality and Hygiene System based on the UNE-EN ISO 9001 standard and the BRC/IoP food protocol in order to guarantee the safety and health of consumers derived from product safety, as well as compliance with the legal requirements applicable to products in contact with food and focused on the continuous improvement of all internal processes and customer satisfaction.
JUYPAL HOGAR, S.L. is committed to adopting all the latest technology applicable to the plastics sector, which gives added value to the manufacture of the final product.
With all this, we intend to differentiate the organization from other companies in the household goods sector, offering our customers a variety of articles, through a continuous process of innovation.
Communication and training channels are established for JUYPAL HOGAR, S.L. employees, which is basic for compliance with customer satisfaction in terms of both Quality and Hygiene and safety.
The Management establishes that this policy will be reviewed periodically, as the framework for the revision of the quality objectives and the fulfillment of the requirements of the Quality and Hygiene Management System implemented, communicating to all the personnel for its knowledge and application, improving its effectiveness, promoting the use of the process approach and the thought based on risks.
Juan José Becerra